-- Mother applied to the State of _________________for the creation of a trust.
She chose the date of birth for it. She chose its name. She requested evidence
that it had been created = a birth certificate. She was the Informant. She delivered
the paper description of the original property to the trust Creator. It was a description
of the real substance. The paper description was the original trust corpus. More trust
property is to be added later.
State of _______________was the Creator of the original trust.
The State complied with mom’s request and created a STRAWMAN with the name and date of birth your mother requested. She applied for a Social Security number for it. She put it into commerce by getting it medical numbers, a day care center matriculation number, a public school matriculation number, a little league ID number, a library card number, etc., etc., etc. Sometimes the Creator is also the original Exchanger, Trustor, Settlor.
Who is the beneficiary of the original trust?
The beneficiary changes each time a new trust is created. You are the original
beneficiary though, If you choose to use your beneficial interest. If you choose
not to use it, the citizens of the state that created it are the beneficiaries. This
is part of the Highest and Best Use principle. If the property is not being put to
its highest and best use, it can be “borrowed” for a time and put
to better use. You have not been using it. You have not filed any claims against it, so why should it just sit there not being used? This first trust was created for your
benefit, it you choose to use it. Remember, the reason the first party (creator)
creates a trust, is for the second party (trustee) to manage the trust corpus for
the benefit of a third party (beneficiary).
What is the trust corpus?
The State complied with mom’s request and created a STRAWMAN with
the name and date of birth she requested. Mom is the one who put your physical
description on the application for the certificate/evidence that the trust had been
created. She “delivered” the description (7 pounds 11 ounces,
19 1/2 inches long, and a footprint). All of this was on paper. The paper is the trust
corpus. That was the consideration that was exchanged into the original trust.
Exchanged for what? --- the ability to gain possession (not title) of houses, cars,
shoes, books, etc. without paying for them.
She applied for a Social Security number for it. She put it into commerce by getting it medical records, a day care center matriculation number, a public school matriculation number, a league ID number, a library card, etc., etc., etc. All of these paper contracts between the trust and agencies of municipal corporations are trust assets. These are all part of the trust corpus – the trust property. They are all property that can be used as evidence to contractual obligations the trust has OR as collateral for debts the trust owns. It appears the trust is using your description and your credit to gain assets. It has an obligation to you. Maybe these assets can be considered benefits for which you owe an obligation because of your close relationship with the trust, OR these assets can be considered collateral for the debt the trust owes to you.
Who is the trustee? On the private side, if an appointed trustee resigns or dies, the trust corpus reverts to the beneficiaries or back to the trustor. It is useless to create a trust without appointing a trustee. The trustee created by the state upon mom’s request must also have a trustee. The problem is, depending on how it is going to be used; the creation of the trust is a matter of construction and operation of law. This is constructive trust.
Constructive trust: Trust created by operation of law against one who by actual or constructive fraud, by duress or by abuse or confidence, or by commission of wrong, or by any form of unconscionable conduct, or other questionable means, has obtained or holds legal right to property which he should not, in equity and good conscience, hold and enjoy.
Construction: Drawing conclusions respecting subjects that i.e. beyond the direct expression of the term.
Operation of law: This term expresses the manner in which rights, and sometimes liabilities, devolve upon a person by the mere application to the particular transaction of the established rules of law, without the act or co-operation of the party himself.
Default: An omission of that which ought to be done. Specifically, the omission or failure to perform a legal or contractual duty.
There can be more than one trustee for a trust. One trustee may have the duty of performing certain actions of the trust. Another trustee may perform different functions. The identity of the trustee or trustees of these “individual” trusts is often not expressed, as there is no requirement for there to even be a written trust indenture. On the public side, there must always be a default trustee, if no one volunteers to fill the duties of the trustee. When a corporation or limited liability company is created, the statutory default managing is the Secretary of State of the state where the entity is being created. In some States the Secretary of State would be the logical default trustee. In other cases, the lack of a trustee may result in a presumption that you are the trustee.,
Trustees have a fiduciary duty to manage the trust honorably and for the benefit of the beneficiary. A trustee may not use the trust for personal gain. A trustee that is acting outside his duty or not performing at all is in breach of his fiduciary duty. That is not tolerated on the private side or the public side. Trustees in breach of fiduciary duty are held personally responsible for the breach and take on the financial penalties for their actions (malfeasance) or lack of action (nonfeasance).
What is Really Happening in the Court?
Here is an example of a typical court scenario when a man participates:
Investigator from ABC agency or a municipal corporation has filed an information with
a prosecuting attorney. On the public side, affidavits are not required. The informant
is not required to sign an affidavit submit it to the attorney to commence a public action
against the individual being investigated. Affidavits were required in equity when someone
wanted to file a claim in court. In admiralty in the public affidavits are no longer required.
They have been replaced with what is called an information. An affidavit is signed under
oath. The statements made in an affidavit are the signor’s bond. His word is his
bond. The affidavit formerly bonded the case. Now that there are no affidavits, there are
no bonds to bond cases.
!IMPORTANT! The prosecuting attorney has to decide whether or not to commence an action. The informant may have completed an administrative process (IRS –m 90 day letter, 30 day letter, 10 day letter) for the attorney as the basis for bringing the action. It may not have started an administrative process. Nine times out of ten, the administrative process is not needed, because they are almost sure you will agree (without knowing it) to represent the accused individual (the trust) by volunteering to act as its trustee. The Attorney is going to create a new trust to be the accused on the complaint or indictment. If you go into contempt for defending and not taking responsibility for the new trust, you will either pay with the trust Corpus, OR you will go to jail, and your credit (exemption) will be tapped during the time they are housing and feeding you and giving you medical treatment. The trust corpus might include the balance in a bank Account, a title to real property or a car, or any other public asset.
Creator: The attorney is the creator of the accused trust. It might be JOHN HENRY DOE. Notice that they never put your name on a complaint, indictment, or traffic ticket. Even if it is written in upper case and lower case Letters, it is still a fiction and a trust. We cannot mix public and private.
Trust name: The name of the trust is JOHN HENRY DOE. In the body of the complaint, a reference may be made to JOHN HENRY DOE or JOHN DOE or John Doe. This is how the judgment can be multiplied. These might all be new trusts against which the final judgment can be applied, and for which it is presumed you will volunteer to be the trustee, and through which you will be presumed to be surety. The trust is expected to be the defendant. The question is --- who is the trustee and who is taking responsibility for the trust activities?
Trustor: The attorney is also the trustor. He is putting the trust corpus into the trust. That is the charge. It is a debt (liability) on the public side, and a credit (asset) on the private side. We have always presumed a charge is a bad thing. It is only bad if the man is found in contempt of the process, or of the attorney, or of the judge, or of a number of other possibilities. It is very easy to go into contempt. If you don’t agree to take responsibility, you will be in contempt of our presumed fiduciary duty. Creditors do not go into contempt.
Beneficiary: The beneficiary is the State of ___________, which is also the plaintiff in this case. It is the person that stands to gain from the charges (trust corpus), but it only has the equitable interest in the trust corpus. That way, the beneficiary is not help responsible for bringing a claim without a bond (evidence of a debt). The attorney does it instead. The beneficiary has to hold onto its creditor position, and can’t if it brings unfounded claims. The plaintiff seldom signs the complaint. The attorney’s signature is usually the only one on it.
Trustee: This the trust position that carries all the liability. The trustee has a fiduciary duty to manage this trust property for the benefit of the State of ___________,. It does not, the trustee accepts the responsibility for the losses suffered by the beneficiary, the State. there is no appointed trustee. There is a presumption that there will be a trustee when it is needed. The attorney has the complaint served on the original trust with a name like the accused individual (the defendant trust). Someone has to represent the defendant. At this point the only representative for the trust is its creator, the prosecuting attorney. Which has made a commitment to the beneficiary. Once the charge is signed by the attorney and delivered to someone who might volunteer to be the trustee, the attorney does not even have the option of withdrawing the charge without the defendant’s agreement (Rule of Court). Since the complaint was delivered into your hands, as the presumed trustee and surety, you have to agree to the withdrawal of the charges before they can be withdrawn.
As soon as you hire a good attorney or decide to defend the trust yourself, the liability has moved from the prosecuting attorney to you. The fact that you are defending, all by itself, is a dishonor. Anything other than all-out acceptance is a dishonor. Your dishonor is what gives the prosecuting attorney the energy to bond the case. All cases have to be bonded. Whoever bonds the case is the creditor. Whoever is in dishonor is the debtor. They need you to dishonor the process, the attorneys, or the judge to have the standard script result the standard outcome. If you fail to immediately go into dishonor, there will be plenty of opportunities in the script for you to carry out the plot to get you into dishonor. You can plead Not Guilty, testify, defend, call witnesses, question witnesses, file motions, file a counter suit, answer questions, or not respond at all --- just to name a few ways to volunteer to be the trustee and to be in Honor. Your voluntary dishonor will authorize the use of your credit to bond the case. Since you did not voluntarily bond the case, you are in dishonor.
Surety: Since the standard script will be used for the court event, it is likely the man who has volunteered to be the trustee for the accused trust, will defend the trust. That will guarantee the standard outcome. The defendant will be found guilty and the trust corpus will be liquidated enough to “pay” the judgment debt. If the event involves criminal charges, the man’s body will be jailed so the state can RE-VENUE the man’s credit from private into the public state. This is what keeps the public machine running. REVENUE. The man will be the surety for the judgment debtor once the trust is found guilty.
Plaintiff: State (beneficiary) is the plaintiff and presumed creditor, as long as the man plays by the standard script.
Defendant: The prosecuting attorney needs to have a volunteer to defend the trust, or he will be stuck representing the accused trust himself. He is the defendant, but does not plan on holding the position very long. With the help of the judge and the defense attorney, the prosecuting attorney will be able to pass the liability on to the trust and its representative and surety – you – but you have to go into dishonor for this to happen.
All charges, arguments, and testimony is dangerous in the public court.
Remember it is not your court. They can only see FICTIONS, so if you are testifying, you are recognized only as a fiction as you are a piece of paper, but if you are talking to him, he presumes you are the trustee for the trustor). In that capacity, he can talk to you. He is expecting you to breach your fiduciary duties by going into dishonor. Then they win – you lose. You want a win / win situation.
Be careful even with the copyright. If you can bring the copyright into the case without testifying (through third party witnesses), you may be able to stave off a demand for trust property. If you have already given The right to use the now-copyrighted name to a corporation, you cannot revoke it that authorization after the fact. You may have done that by applying for a loan. You gave them the use of the name on the application. You can give the use of the name on a driver’s license application. You are the one who tells what name to put on the license. You can’t come back later and charge them for using the name you previously gave them. If there is no driver’s license application, you may be able to give notice of the copyright to the officer, and then enforce the copyright violation because he had notice of your restrictions to use of the name. Even if the car is registered with the State, you may be able to use the copyright in this action, if you know how and do not dishonor your own claim to being the private owner of the name.
Here is a different scenario when the man does NOT participate:
An investigator from ABC agency of a municipal corporation has filed an information
with a prosecuting attorney. Before things get this far, you should have completed
your administrative procedure on the activity that is the subject matter of the
court case. [See: Moving
TITLES in Trust; Claiming and Moving Trusts as a Remedy; Functioning in Commerce]
The prosecuting attorney
has decided to commence an action. The attorney creates a new trust to be the
accused on the complaint or indictment, which is delivered into your hands. This
time you accept the presentment for value, return it, and authorize the use of your
credit, and bond the case. You give notice to the public of these private actions
you have taken. You use third parties to testify to the agreement of the parties of
the dishonor of the plaintiff, if necessary. You do not get involved in the issues of the
case other than the agreement of the parties. You can bond the case. You do not have
to be the trustee and represent the accused trust to take responsibility for the
presumed violations of the State’s statutes. You are one of the people. You are a creditor with priority over FICTIONS. You are the One – the One who
has the power to create a Win Win situation for all parties.
Creator: The prosecuting attorney is still the creator.
Trust name: The name of the trust is still JOHN HENRY DOE.
Trustor: The prosecuting attorney is still putting the charge into the trust as a corpus.
Beneficiary: The beneficiary is still the State of ___________.
Trustee: Since you have not volunteered to be the trustee, the prosecuting attorney is still the responsible party. You are the one who accepted delivery of the complaint that was sent to the trust over which you are presumed to be the trustee. If you can stay in honor while you take on the obligations of the trust, by using your exemption and your credit as surety for the trust, you will be fine. You can argue with the attorneys and the judge and the witnesses and the clerk, showing how bad a trustee you are. Or You can accept the State’s request for revenue and authorize the use of your exemption (credit).
Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. http://articleatlas.com/matthew-15-25.html
It is your choice.
Surety: The suretyship on this case can be shared. Suretyship is a voluntary act. You can volunteer to be the surety using your exemption (credit). Someone else can volunteer to dishonor someone or to dishonor the process, Thereby becoming the surety. Free will is always a factor here. The big question is --- who will be the Surety?
Plaintiff: Whoever bonds the case is the plaintiff. Charges cannot be brought unless there is a bond. If the man supplies the bond, the man is the creditor. The tables can turn. You can do a counterclaim by removing the case into another court for judicial review of your administrative process and get an estoppel on their case.
Or you can express the Trust, where you become the Grantor/Beneficiary instead of the debtor/creditor Trustee in Breach of the Trust See: http://articleatlas.com/learn-to-express-the-trust.html
Defendant: The prosecuting attorney is the defendant, unless there is a defense attorney who has put a notice of appearance into the case. If, so, then the defense attorney is the defendant. As the creditor, you can authorize the prosecuting attorney or defense attorney if he has filed his notice of appearance, to write the check to Settle the account. The check is backed by your bond.
Bond: In every case a bond represents debt – its holder is a creditor of the corporation and not a part owner as is the shareholder. The word “bond” is sometimes used more broadly to refer also to as unsecured debt instruments. See the full report here: Creditors and Their Bonds.pdf
See Also: Informant (your mother) autographs as indictment (witness document at hospital when you were born with footprint) that you have no paternal holder of your Estate. Registrar (Probate Judge) signs your Estate into Probate and you become a " Ward of the State" http://articleatlas.com/birth-certificate-Title-created-by-state.html
Your Mother, a woman, a living soul, created by God, of flesh and blood, very much alive; went into the "foundling" (a safe place to abandon a child) hospital believing she would get care but instead was falsely declared indigent, a pauper. Important: See Full Report Here
There are 3 key reasons why the secret political faction (cabal) masquerading as government can lawfully maintain their control. Explained in plain English here: http://articleatlas.com/our-true-relationship-to-government.html
Legal Way To Discharge Debt Per HJR 192 http://articleatlas.com/legal-way-to-discharge.htmlhttp://articleatlas.com